A Song of Delight
Moment of honesty, I have tried numerous times (ie more than I can count!) throughout my faith journey to develop a consistent bible reading habit. And I have failed numerous times. Staying in the ‘safe books’ of Psalms and Paul’s letters in the New Testament, there was much of the Bible that was hard to understand, that seemed dry and inapplicable. And frankly, I didn’t have the motivation or love for scripture to develop any habit. There was one year where I listened to the Bible while chasing a toddler around. Another year I just copied scripture into my journal. I didn’t have the energy to ‘study’ but the action of reading to writing it out I felt would help something stick.
This year, something was different. It wasn’t a resolution I made in January. Or a goal that I set. Just a simple day after day building habit, perhaps my favourite routine developed during this crazy year that is 2020. My daily study usually is made up of reading a passage in the book I am studying, along with other passages that speak to what I am reading, followed by a short devotional. I invested a few dollars a month into the She Reads Truth app that gives a guide and the devotional. I also invested in a study bible that I was willing to mark up and write extensively in the margins.
For the last two weeks I did a daily study of Psalm 119. The longest psalm (and in fact the longest chapter in all of the Bible) is a song dedicated to the Word of God, His instruction, and the writer’s desire to follow and obey. It is a passage soaked in honest truth and vulnerability and delight and a heartfelt yearning to know God more and live in obedience. I resonated with so much of the psalmist’s words as I reflected on my own journey these last 9 months as I have fallen in love more and more with God and His word and the truth, hope and peace found in the pages of my Bible. And so as a response, I wrote my own ‘Psalm 119’, my own song of delight in God’s Word.
And as with anything I write, my hope and prayer is that these words encourage you in your own journey, that you are able to delight along with me in the truth, hope, and peace found in Christ.
Yahweh, Your words usher in peace and shalom to all those who hear and believe.
Word become flesh, dwelt among us, Jesus; You are our hope, the light that shines in the darkness that can not and will not be overcome.
Spirit that dwells in us, teacher and guide, You open our eyes to see the truth written in the pages of your Holy word.
Your instructions are clear. When I lack wisdom or clarity, I open my bible and find the pages filled with truth in which I can measure all other ideas. When I follow your commands, I see that they are for my good and Your glory. My life is always better when I walk along the path laid out for me by scripture. The way of the wise is in following the wisdom of Almighty God.
Too often I get caught up in selfish and pride-filled ways. I open Your word and You lay my heart bare, convicting this sinful heart. You teach me to lift my eyes off of my self and have compassion for others. You teach me to see Your handiwork, that everything I am and have is nothing without You. You are there in everything.
Like a young child needing reassuring from their parent, I come to Your word and find reassurance that You are steadfast and true, never-changing, predictable. This gives me the courage I need to face each day, come what may. Your promises fill page after page. When I feel alone, weary and full of sorrow, I open scripture and You meet me there with exactly what I need to hear. A refuge that I run into, full of comfort, a balm to soothe the hurt, a place to lay my burdens. And when I simply want to spend time with You, You meet me there all the same.
I delight in Your word. The more I read, the more I fall in love with it. It is the foundation on which I want to build my life. Though storms will come, I will be shaken but not moved, battered but not destroyed. A rock, un-shifting, never-changing. I delight in Your word. The more I read, the more I fall in love with You.
Yahweh. You are Shalom. Jesus. You are the Living Word. Holy Spirit. You are my Teacher.