Cuddle Near
My sweetest daughters dear
Let me whisper in your ear
As you cuddle in near.
I will tell you of your worth
From the moment of your birth
Created unique in all of the earth.
I will speak belief into your dreams
Into the thrilling and the routines.
If it's growing beans or submarines.
I will listen to your fears.
Declare truth and love til it disappears.
Wipe away any of your tears.
I will ask you for forgiveness
When I get caught up in the busyness
Make things right and sit in the stillness.
I will share of how God loves you.
No matter what you do
Every morning his mercy is new.
I will sing songs of God’s grace.
How your smile lights up his face.
How His Spirit wraps you in a tight embrace.
I will teach you what is good.
To understand more than you’re understood.
To be kind every chance you could.
My bravest daughters dear.
Let me whisper in your ear.
Come. Cuddle near.