A New Mug
This week has had a serious fall vibe to it. Drizzly as only BC can be and cold enough to start drinking tea again. As I rediscover the mugs in my cupboard I am reminded of something I wrote last fall. The words are a welcome reminder again today, now 5+ months into social distancing when it is easy to become dissatisfied and I have an urge to want to rush this season.
I found a new mug yesterday while doing some shopping. It is white, shaped like an octagon. And on the side it says, in simple black letters:
stay awhile.
I bought it on a whim. But as I look at it, while drinking my decaf earl grey with a bloop of milk and generous sugar, there is something profound and significant in this mug.
stay awhile.
I am on a journey of learning to be an active participant in my life, not thinking ahead to the next thing or dwelling in the past, but learning to sit and be present and take in what is right infront of me. Whether its play time with the girls, reading a book, having a conversation with a friend, time writing... whatever it is, I want to savour it. To just be. To drink in the beauty and joy or pain and sorrow that is before me. To stay present until its time for the next thing.
stay awhile.
Even more deeply, it is an invitation from God. Often I make myself some tea or coffee before opening scripture or spending time in prayer. This is an invitation from God to not rush through that time, but to sit in His presence. Drink the living water He has for me. Stay awhile. Not rush Him and how He is speaking to me.
stay awhile.
Something I didn't notice in the store was a crack. I mistook it for some sticker stickies. But when I got home, I realized there is spot where it has been cracked and resealed. An imperfection. At first I was really disappointed. I don't like things to be broken or not look perfect. It's not beautiful anymore. It's flawed. And yet... it still works. The mug still achieves the purpose that it was created for. Gulp. What a lesson for me. I don't like to look broken either. Do I really believe that when I look flawed I am no longer beautiful? When I see my failures and daily failings do I consider myself disqualified? Even in my brokenness there is beauty and purpose and God can still use me for what he created me for.
stay awhile.
Every time I use this mug, I am reminded that God can use me right now, in this present moment. That He is with me and speaking to me and delights in me.
Now here we are 11 months later and I find myself saying “yes and amen” as I read my words. Being present can still be a struggle. The desire to check something off my list can overpower the deeper need to just be. This season of social distancing is a gift if I choose to see it that way to exercise this muscle of learning to be and be used exactly where God has me.
And so I turn it to you. If we were to be having tea together and I were to ask you “What moments do you need to just sit and savour? How can God use you just as you are?” how would you answer? Whatever the answer may be, may you know God delights in you and I’m cheering you on in the pursuit of being you.