Taking Time to Rest
A year ago next week, my sisters and I launched Seas of Pure Grace. For the last 52 weeks I have written and edited and re-written and wrestled and poured out my heart. It has been stretching and healing in ways I didn’t know were possible. I have watched my faith grow and my dependence on God deepen. A spark was lit, the seed began to grow, the start of a journey.
Every journey needs moments of rest, a chance to catch one’s breath and let the heart settle into the body once more. After a conversation with Bob last night, I realized that right now is a natural point. In a month my oldest starts kindergarten and my youngest starts daycare. Our daily family rhythms will be shifting and changing, and within that I will have to find new patterns for myself. I want to go into these changes rested and grounded. It also gives me the chance to reset. Wipe the slate clean of everything so that I can add back only what is important and a priority.
So for the next four weeks I’ve decided to unplug. This looks like deleting the phone games and social media apps, spending time in my garden, finishing some books, working on some projects at home, journaling, and praying. This won’t necessarily come easy for me, however I do believe it is necessary.
I will also be taking the time I would normally spend writing and instead be doing some planning for a Seas of Pure Grace project I’ll be launching in September. I am so excited for you to hear the stories of some incredible women and in great anticipation of what God is going to do through this series. You’ll hear more about what is to come in a few weeks time.
So until next time friend, may God hold you in the palm of His steady hand. And if you think of me, pray for an outpouring of rest and God’s presence.
PS. Picture is courtesy of my two year old, of me in a place I find rest (specifically by a propane fire on the back patio at my in-laws, surrounding by people I love).