Worship Playlist Part One
I have been away for the last 5 days, and while the time has been special and necessary and all good things, I have a long list of to-do’s needing my attention. More importantly I have two girls who have missed their mom that need more intentionality than normal. It took less than an hour for my patience to wear out. You know when you just know something? I knew that if I didn’t get my heart right the rest of the day would go downhill.
And so while I got them distracted, I jumped on the exercise bike to clear my head (and to check that off the list). Rather than follow a program or listen to the music provided I blasted my worship playlist.
As I did, I thought of something a dear friend said to me the other day. She shared that in the Genesis creation story where it says that God spoke, the Hebrew translation is more like He sang. He sang us into being. Song and music have been a part of us from the very beginning. It’s no surprise then that music has such a profound impact on our hearts.
And so I want to do something different today. I scrapped what I was going to post and instead wanted to share the songs that ministered to my heart this morning. Take the next 20 min and let the music stir your heart towards the Lord.
Phil Wickham - Hymn of Heaven
2. Charity Gayle - Thank You Jesus for the Blood
3. Chandler Moore - King of Kings
4. Shane and Shane - Psalm 42 (Loudest Praise)
5. Keith & Kristyn Getty, Dana Masters - O Love that Wilt Not Let Me Go
*fun note about this song. Dana Masters is married to someone I know from my time in Northern Ireland.
6. Faithful: Go and Speak - Rise Up